Welcome to our online membership form
Please read the statements below before completion
We are an over 18's club only
EA affiliation
Please provide all the information below as it is required to affiliate you with England Athletics and Dorset County Athletics Association.
Unfortunately, EA only recognise gender as male or female. It will be assumed your competitive region is ‘England South’, your national eligibility is ‘birth’ and your disability category is ‘non disability’ unless you state otherwise here
Membership Options
If Westbourne RC is the only running club you belong to it will be your first claim club. If you are a member of more than one running club you have to decide which is your ‘first claim’ club where your race results will be allocated. Social members are not affiliated to EA and cannot participate in club championships; or earn the Club London Marathon place (see our Constitution on the club policies page of the website for full details)
On completion of the form you are confirming the following:
1 That you are an amateur
The club is restricted to "Amateurs" as defined by the British Athletic Federation:
“An amateur is a person who competes for the love of the sport and as a means of recreation, without any motive of securing any material gain for such competition".
2 You have read the club policies on Privacy; Inclusivity; Grievance & Disciplinary; Safeguarding; Health and Safety and agree to the Club’s Code of Conduct
These can all be found here on our website but please contact us if you have any queries
Payment Details
Sort Code 40-46-11
Account no 81421336
Please use your name as a Reference